Treated Articles

The IBRG Treated Articles Group was formed in Autumn 2018 through the merging of the former Plastics and Textiles Group during a general reorganisation within IBRG. This was a logical outcome as the general basis of much of the work at that time was similar in the two groups and allows for more efficient use of new approaches.

For the past few years, the focus of activity of the previous IBRG Plastics and Textiles Groups relevant to treated articles with added functionality has been on the development of methods to examine the performance of non-porous and porous treated articles / materials that are intended to demonstrate external, hygiene-related effects. Following collaborative work with SIAA, to help validate the conversion of JIS Z 2801 into ISO 22196, activities have progressed towards producing methods that explore the functionality of such materials under simulated realistic conditions. The aim is to provide frameworks that can be employed to support claims made for such materials. A number of exposure scenarios have been defined and work is in progress to produce methodologies that can simulate them. The first is currently undergoing international rings tests and the data and approach has been used to both support activities within the OECD as well as producing IBRG guidance documents.

The former IBRG Textiles group was formed with the intention of developing testing approaches that could be used in the validation of claims for antimicrobial and hygienic effects from textiles and other porous material that have been treated with biocides. As part of this process, the group has completed work to provide validation data for a harmonised Tier 1 efficacy test for the OECD and this is also available as an IBRG test method.

The main activity within the Treated Articles Group curretly now focussed on the production of a number of in-use simulation tests. The first such protocols that simulates the effect of a treatment on the survival of bacteria delivered as either fine droplets or splashes are undergoing international ring testing. The group is also exploring possible in-vitro tests for treatments intended to prevent / reduce the formation of odour in textiles.

  • £100.00
    Quantitative Method for Evaluating Bactericidal Activity of Porous / Absorbent Materials.
    In the previous version of this method (IBRG TEX 13/005) a fixed volume of inoculum is applied to a fixed weight of the test material. However, this does not take account the absorption characteristics of the material under test and in poorly absorbent materials the inoculum is not retained and pools below the sample, whereas in highly absorbent materials it fails to contact all of the sample. This results in a poor estimation of the antimicrobial properties of the material under test. This version of the method takes the absorbency of the material into account.
    IBRG TA22-004
  • £100.00
    Tier 1 Textile Method - Antibacterial Properties
    This document describes a method to determine the basic antibacterial properties of textiles and porous materials and articles treated with a biocide with the intension of introducing disinfectant / hygienic properties. Samples are inoculated with defined suspensions of microorganisms and then incubated. The changes in the size of the populations both over time and on treated compared with untreated materials are used to describe the basic antimicrobial properties of the materials. The results obtained may not describe the performance of the treated materials under normal conditions of use. Changes in v1.03 Typographical corrections.
    IBRG TEX13-005
  • ISO 22196:2011 - Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces
  • ISO 18184:2019 - Determination of antiviral activity of textile products
  • ISO 20743:2013 - Determination of antibacterial activity of textile products
  • ISO 21702:2019 - Measurement of antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces
  • ISO 18071:2016 - Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of antiviral activity of semiconducting photocatalytic materials under indoor lighting environment — Test method using bacteriophage Q-beta
  • ISO 20645:2004 - Textile fabrics — Determination of antibacterial activity — Agar diffusion plate test
  • ISO 16187:2013 - Footwear and footwear components — Test method to assess antibacterial activity
  • ISO 27447:2019 - Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for antibacterial activity of semiconducting photocatalytic materials
  • ISO 17094:2014 - Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for antibacterial activity of semiconducting photocatalytic materials under indoor lighting environment
  • ISO 22551:2020 - Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of bacterial reduction rate by semiconducting photocatalytic materials under indoor lighting environment — Semi-dry method for estimating antibacterial activity on the actual environmental bacteria contamination surface
  • ASTM E2180 - 18 Standard Test Method for Determining the Activity of Incorporated Antimicrobial Agent(s) In Polymeric or Hydrophobic Materials
  • ASTM E3160 - 18 Standard Test Method for Quantitative Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of Porous Antibacterial Treated Articles
  • ASTM E2922 - 15 Standard Guide for The Use of Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Antibacterial Activity on Textiles
  • ASTM E3031 - 15 Standard Test Method for Determination of Antibacterial Activity on Ceramic Surfaces
  • ASTM E3162 - 18 Standard Practice Measuring the Durability of Antibacterial Agents Applied to Textiles under Simulated Home Laundering Conditions
  • ASTM E2149 - 13a Standard Test Method for Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions
  • NF S90-700 Surfaces with biocidal properties - Method for the evaluation of basic bactericidal activity of a non-porous surface - Surfaces à propriétés biocides - Méthode d'évaluation de l'activité bactéricide de base d'une surface non poreuse
  • Chopra, I. 2007 The increasing use of silver-based products as antimicrobial agents: a useful development or a cause for concern? Antimicrob. Chemother. 59 (4): 587-590
  • Peter Askew 2014 Efficacy Assessment of Treated Articles - A guidance Nordic Council
  • Askew P 2018 Guidance Document on Use and Development of Tier-2 Laboratory Based Tests Used to Substantiate Claims for Efficacy of Biocide Treated Articles 287/13
  • Askew P 2008 Guidance Document on the Evaluation of the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Treated Articles with Claims for External Effects OECD
  • James Redfern, Jake Tucker, Lisa M. Simmons, Peter Askew, Ina Stephan and Joanna Verran 2018 Environmental and Experimental Factors Affecting Efficacy Testing of Nonporous Plastic Antimicrobial Surfaces Methods and Protocols 1 (4) 36 MDPI
  • Dunne CP, Keinänen-Toivola MM, Kahru A, Teunissen B, Olmez H, Gouveia I, Melo L, Murzyn K, Modic M, Ahonen M, Askew P, Papadopoulos T, Adlhart C, Crijns FRL. 2017 Anti-microbial coating innovations to prevent infectious diseases (AMiCI): Cost action ca15114. Bioengineered 2 (8-6) 679-685
  • Todt, et al 2021 A realistic transfer method reveals low risk of SARS- CoV-2 transmission via contaminated euro coins and banknotes iScience, 2021 Aug 20;24(8):102908. doi: 10.1016/ 24
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